It’s easy to implement basic search functionality. The search functionality search through the table with a a wildcard-filter in each visible column.
1 | Dett2 | Female | 36 | 16/08/2020 | Great Britain |
2 | Nern | Female | 19 | 15/10/2017 | France |
3 | Kallsie | Male | 20 | 16/08/2016 | France |
4 | Siuau | Female | 21 | 21/05/2015 | Great Britain |
5 | Shennice | Male | 22 | 21/05/2016 | France |
6 | Chasse | Female | 23 | 15/10/2018 | France |
7 | Tommye | Male | 24 | 16/08/2017 | United States |
8 | Dorcast | Female | 25 | 21/05/2016 | United States |
9 | Angelee | Male | 26 | 21/05/2017 | Great Britain |
10 | Willoom | Female | 26 | 15/10/2019 | France |
Highlight search results
To give feedback to the user why the results are shown based on your search, you can use search_highlight=”yes”. The default highlightcolor is yellow.
[csvtohtml_create source_type="guess" source_files="free_testdata_10rows.csv" search_functionality="yes" search_highlight="yes"]
1 | Dett2 | Female | 36 | 16/08/2020 | Great Britain |
2 | Nern | Female | 19 | 15/10/2017 | France |
3 | Kallsie | Male | 20 | 16/08/2016 | France |
4 | Siuau | Female | 21 | 21/05/2015 | Great Britain |
5 | Shennice | Male | 22 | 21/05/2016 | France |
6 | Chasse | Female | 23 | 15/10/2018 | France |
7 | Tommye | Male | 24 | 16/08/2017 | United States |
8 | Dorcast | Female | 25 | 21/05/2016 | United States |
9 | Angelee | Male | 26 | 21/05/2017 | Great Britain |
10 | Willoom | Female | 26 | 15/10/2019 | France |
If you do the search now with the value 9 you will see this data:
2 | Nern | Female | 19 | 15/10/2017 | France |
9 | Angelee | Male | 26 | 21/05/2017 | Great Britain |
10 | Willoom | Female | 26 | 15/10/2019 | France |
To change the highlighted color you simply add search_highlightcolor with the color you want.
[csvtohtml_create source_type="guess" source_files="free_testdata_10rows.csv" search_functionality="yes" search_highlightcolor ="lightgreen"]
1 | Dett2 | Female | 36 | 16/08/2020 | Great Britain |
2 | Nern | Female | 19 | 15/10/2017 | France |
3 | Kallsie | Male | 20 | 16/08/2016 | France |
4 | Siuau | Female | 21 | 21/05/2015 | Great Britain |
5 | Shennice | Male | 22 | 21/05/2016 | France |
6 | Chasse | Female | 23 | 15/10/2018 | France |
7 | Tommye | Male | 24 | 16/08/2017 | United States |
8 | Dorcast | Female | 25 | 21/05/2016 | United States |
9 | Angelee | Male | 26 | 21/05/2017 | Great Britain |
10 | Willoom | Female | 26 | 15/10/2019 | France |
And the result would be:
2 | Nern | Female | 19 | 15/10/2017 | France |
9 | Angelee | Male | 26 | 21/05/2017 | Great Britain |
10 | Willoom | Female | 26 | 15/10/2019 | France |